Durham, NC (August 23, 2024) – The Western Intake Partnership (WIP) invites you to join us for our Community Open House for updates on the Jordan Lake Water Supply Project on September 10, 2024 at the Chatham Community Library in Pittsboro.
At the meeting, attendees will have the opportunity to review the latest updates to the project plan, preview preliminary design of the Jordan Lake intake, view the water treatment facility layout and transmission pipeline route, learn about the recently completed rezoning process, understand efforts to minimize environment and community impacts, speak with members of the project team, and provide comments. You can drop in any time for your convenience at the time and date shown below:
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Chatham Community Library
197 NC-87, Pittsboro, NC 27312
WIP secured a long-term water supply for the City of Durham, Town of Pittsboro, Chatham County, and OWASA customers. This project will provide access to the lake’s water supply while protecting its other uses and natural resources. It will include the construction of a Water Intake and Treatment Facility on Jordan Lake, Booster Pumping Stations and Drinking Water Supply Pipelines to deliver high quality drinking water to the region.
Learn more about project details: http://westernintakepartnership.com/jordan-lake-water-supply
Comments can be submitted online using the website comment form, in person at the Community Open House, or by mailing a letter to Jeff Adkins, WIP Program Manager, at HDR, 555 Fayetteville Street, Suite 900, Raleigh, NC 27601. In the future, as the project progresses, additional community meeting opportunities will be available.
If you would like to request an interpreter or service accommodations at the open house, please contact WIP at 919-379-5774 or contact@westernintakepartnership.com.