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Western Intake Partnership

Durham, Pittsboro, Chatham County and Orange Water and Sewer Authority are partners in solving our long-term water supply needs.

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Our Work

The Western Intake Partnership is committed to working together across utility organizations and community boundaries to provide the best possible service to our customers in Pittsboro, Durham, Chatham County, and OWASA. We are focused on securing a long-term water supply for the communities we serve.

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Did you Know?

icon-full-faucet.png441,000 people get their water from our Partners’ utility systems

icon-full-faucet.pngAlmost 200,000 additional people are anticipated to move into our service areas by 2050

icon-full-faucet.png7.3 Billion gallons per year will be added to our Partners’ collective water supply by this project


Long Term Water Solutions

In the quickly growing Triangle region, Jordan Lake is a vital resource. It is a popular place for recreation and helps conserve fish and wildlife habitats. Jordan Lake also supplies water to surrounding communities and controls flooding and water quality. The Western Intake Partnership’s members have received water supply allocations from Jordan Lake, and are now planning projects to meet the region's future water supply needs.

Our Projects

What Your Engagement Means

Input from our neighbors is critical to the success of our projects. We are committed to providing meaningful engagement opportunities and listening to feedback as the project moves forward. Here are a few ways you can support the Western Intake Partnership.

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